Bioguard Chem Out

Pool Chemicals

Bioguard Chem Out


$25.99 $0.00
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BioGuard ChemOut eliminates chlorine, bromine, or hydrogen peroxide deposits in pool water. This product is intended to reduce swimming downtime due to high chlorine levels. It will not affect pH levels, so there will be no readjusting necessary after use of this product. ChemOut is also great for neutralizing chlorine...

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BioGuard ChemOut eliminates chlorine, bromine, or hydrogen peroxide deposits in pool water. This product is intended to reduce swimming downtime due to high chlorine levels. It will not affect pH levels, so there will be no readjusting necessary after use of this product.

ChemOut is also great for neutralizing chlorine or bromine when converting a pool to Soft Swim. In addition, it is sometimes necessary to lower chlorine or bromine levels when treating severe metal stains and when dealing with metal problems.

Product Dosage
4 oz per 10,000 gallons of water removes 3 ppm of chlorine.

Allow at least 8-12 hours for superchlorination treatment to oxidize wastes and chloramines from the pool water. Add BioGuard ChemOut to lower the free chlorine reading to the required 3.0 ppm level before swimming. Before adding any product to the pool, measure the free chlorine in the water. This must be done to determine the correct dosage of BioGuard ChemOut.
To Measure the free chlorine in the swimming pool water, test using either a BioGuard water test kit or the BioGuard 4-way Test Strips.

First, test the superchlorinated pool as you would normally. If the available or free chlorine reading is above the highest level shown on the tests color comparitor or to get a more definitive result at high chlorine levels, it may be necessary to dilute the water sample. To dilute the water sample, using a measuring cup, add one cup of pool water to one cup of tap water. Gently stir the diluted water and then test the diluted water using either BioGuard water test kit or BioGuard 4-way test strips. When you have determined the free chlorine level of the diluted sample multiply this level by 2. You now have the free chlorine level of the pool.
To calculate the ppm available chlorine that must be removed from the pool, subtract 3 ppm from the free chlorine level of the pool. The resulting number is the amount of free chlorine you must remove before it is safe to swim. Use the chart on the bottle to calculate the required dose using the measuring cup supplied with this product. Add this product directly to the pool scattering around the edge of the pool.

Keep the pump on and water circulating.
Please Note: Do not add treatment through skimmer.

For more information on Bio Guard products, please watch this informational video.


BioGuard® offers many solutions based on your individual needs. Your Dealer will make educated recommendations after performing a water sample test. BioGuard has products such as:

  • Banish® to kill all types of swimming pool algae.
  • Spot Kill® which is formulated to kill black algae on walls.
  • Spot Kill WP which should only be used on white plaster pools is also formulated for killing black algae on walls.

Learn more about different algae types and suggested BioGuard treatments in our troubleshooting page.

Your best course of action is to take a water sample to your BioGuard Dealer. They can test your water and provide personalized instructions on the best corrective measures.

Some suggestions your dealer may provide are:

  • Lo ‘N Slo® when pH is high.
  • Strip Kwik® or Kleen It® when filter is dirty.
  • Smart Shock®, Burn Out Extreme®, Burn Out® 35, or Easy Shock and Swim® for shocking when Free Available Chlorine level is low.
  • Polysheen® Blue which is also an excellent water clarifier.

(Note: For BioGuard SoftSwim® pools, use SoftSwim Filter Aid and Flocculent.)

Sanitizing pool water kills bacteria that can be harmful to bathers and also aids in controlling algae. You need to constantly check and maintain your sanitizer level because bacteria enter the pool continuously from many sources.  BioGuard offers several chlorine/bromine based sanitizer options including our Mineral Springs® program, or explore our non-chlorine sanitizer program, SoftSwim®.

This is the active chlorine in the water that has not combined with organic matter and is therefore available for killing bacteria and algae. The proper range for free chlorine residual is 1-3 ppm. Below 1 ppm can cause swimmer irritation, cloudy water and even allow algae to grow. You should test often throughout the summer when the pool is used most.

“Shocking” your pool water chemically destroys the organic contaminants introduced by bathers and the environment.  They restore water clarity, help maintain water balance and eliminate the main causes of eye and nose irritation.

  • Pool Magnet® Plus ties up copper and iron to prevent stains.
  • Sparkle-Up® aids in removal of copper and iron from the water.
  • Stain Remover removes most stains caused by metals.
  • SoftSwim Stain Control ties up metals to prevent stains in SoftSwim pools.