Poolife Non Chlorine Oxidizer

Pool Life

Poolife Non Chlorine Oxidizer


$124.99 $0.00
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Poolife Non Chlorine Oxidizer is a great shock to destroy soluble organic contaminates without adding chlorine to your pool. Swimming can resume in as few as 15 minutes after using this product. DOSAGE 1 lb per 10,000 gallons of water per week. DIRECTIONS Apply 1 lb of Poolife Non-Chlorine Oxidizer...
  • 12 pack
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Poolife Non Chlorine Oxidizer is a great shock to destroy soluble organic contaminates without adding chlorine to your pool. Swimming can resume in as few as 15 minutes after using this product.


1 lb per 10,000 gallons of water per week.


Apply 1 lb of Poolife Non-Chlorine Oxidizer per 10,000 gallons of pool water once every week. Pools with heavy bather loads or commercial and public swimming pools may require double the normal dosage. Add product by distributing it in the deep end of the pool while running the pump to circulate the water. Application should not be made while swimmers are in the water; however, swimmers may return to the water 15 minutes after the application is completed. For best results, add this product at dusk.

Note: This product is not a sanitizer or an algaecide. For routine disinfections, use an EPA registered product according to label directions. This product contains no chlorine and is not a pool water disinfectant. It should be used for oxidizing treatment only. This product does not replace the need for regular use of a swimming pool sanitizer. This product reacts with DPD#3 test for total chlorine, giving a temporary high reading. Wait at least 6 hours before performing a DPD#3 test. The DPD #1 test for free chorine is not affected.


Potassium monopersulfate: 44.7%, Inert Ingredients: 55.3%, Active Oxygen: 4.7%

For more information on Pool Life Products, please watch this informational video


Algae are microscopic plants that grow in water. They are usually green, but can also be blue-green, black, yellow or mustard. Algae can grow on the pool surface or float in the water. Algae can turn pool water green, which can literally happen overnight.

 You need to shock your pool water when opening and closing your pool. You should also shock treat weekly during the pool season to kill bacteria and algae and remove contaminants. We recommend shocking at the same time and on the same day each week. The optimum time to shock your pool is sundown. At this time of the day, the chlorine can work without fighting the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The pool should be left uncovered after shocking the pool. Shocking after sundown also gives chlorine more time to restore the water clarity.

If this happens, use Poolife® Back to Blue® Shock System, which can restore water clarity in 24 hours. To treat common algae like green and yellow, use Poolife® Algae Bomb® 30, Poolife® Defend+® or Poolife® Super Algae Bomb® 60 algaecides, which, when used in conjunction with a Poolife® shock product, cleans up both green and yellow algae. Mustard and black algae are more difficult to remove, so we recommend using Poolife® Mustard Algae Treatment product or Poolife® AlgaeKill II product. Poolife® has additional algaecides to address other specific needs. Always follow product label directions carefully.

The build-up of cyanuric acid in swimming pool water resulting from the use of stabilized sanitizers in conjunction with stabilized shock products. • Overstabilization will significantly decrease the effectiveness of chlorine in killing bacteria and algae. • Small levels of cyanuric acid (20–50 ppm) do serve a purpose in protecting chlorine from sunlight degradation. However, too much will negate any benefit and cause problems. • Calcium Hypochlorite-based shock products such as Poolife® TurboShock® , and Poolife® Rapid Shock® shock treatments will not increase the stabilizer level in your pool.

 Always add stabilizer before adding Poolife® chlorinators. The stabilizer must be added slowly through the skimmer while the pump is operating.Allow at least 48 hours for the stabilizer to dissolve before backwashing or cleaning the filter.

 The cyanuric acid level and the climate determine whether you need to add stabilizer to your pool. You should take a sample of your pool water to your Authorized Poolife® Dealer for a detailed analysis and recommendation or you can use test strips to determine the stabilizer level. When opening your pool, if you choose to use stabilizer, the stabilizer level should be 20–50 ppm. During the swimming season, the ideal stabilizer level should be maintained between 20–50 ppm. Chlorine isn’t as effective if the stabilizer level rises above 90 ppm. Remember some chlorinators add stabilizer as the chlorine dissolves into the water.