Bio-Dex Skill-It Algaecide

Bio-Dex Skill-It Algaecide


$29.99 $0.00
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The Bio-Dex Skill-It Algaecide product is a necessary tool in fighting and protecting against common resistant forms of algae. This product is not metallic based, so it will not stain the pool while it removes annoying algae from the it. Skill-It does not affect the pH chemistry of your water,...

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The Bio-Dex Skill-It Algaecide product is a necessary tool in fighting and protecting against common resistant forms of algae. This product is not metallic based, so it will not stain the pool while it removes annoying algae from the it. Skill-It does not affect the pH chemistry of your water, and can be added directly to the water or through water circulation equipment.

  • Eliminates and protects against common resistant forms of algae
  • Not metallic based, so it will not stain the pool
  • Does not affect the pH chemistry of your water


Ensure all pool equipment is working properly. Backwash the filter system following manufacturers directions. Adjust pH between 7.2 - 7.6. Adjust chlorine residual to 1-3 ppm. In a chlorine treated pool, add stabilizer to establish minimum 40-50 ppm to reduce the degrading effects of sunlight upon the chlorine residual. Check for metals and if present add stain and scale inhibitor to prevent staining due to metals. Add this product directly to the pool by pouring around the entire perimeter of the pool. Allow the filter to run for at least 6 hours after adding algaecide. During this period, swimmers must not be allowed in the water.

Initial Application:

  1. Backwash the filter thoroughly.
  2. Vacuum algae debris and thoroughly brush pool.
  3. Add 26 ounces of this product to each 50,000 gallons of water or ratio thereof.
  4. Vacuum pool after 24 hours to remove dead algae.
  5. If algae is still visible repeat dose steps 3 and 4 as necessary until pool is free of visible algae.
  6. Once algae is under control, clean filter and return to normal operation.


Alkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride: 49.8%, Dialkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) methylbenzyl ammonium chloride: 0.2%

Inert Ingredients: 50%

For more information on Bio-Dex products, please watch this informational video.


Removing heavy metal including copper stains per 10,000 gallons:
 First lower the water pH to 7.2 by adding acid.
 1. 1/2 Quart Bio-Dex Protect-All Supreme
 2. 1 Quart Bio-Dex Aquadex 50 Stain-Off

Circulate until stains are lifted. (Repeat if necessary) – (water will become excessively blue) Partially drain the pool and refill with fresh water. Add 5 oz Protect-All Supreme and 10 oz Aquadex 50 Stain-Off once re-filled. Balance the water. Keep the monthly maintenance dose of Aquadex 50 Stain-Off and Protect-All Supreme if heavy metals and staining are a constant problem.

You can get quick results with Protect-All Supreme. Use two quarts for 20,000 gallons. Circulate the water for 48 hours and pour in three ounces per 20,000 gallons of Clearex 500 in the skimmer, as you will have cloudy water during after using Protect-All Supreme. Carefully watch the pool pressure and backwash when necessary. You can repeat this process again after four days if necessary.

The 300 Tile Cleaner is the best calcium and scale remover available. You can use Protect-All Supreme or Salt Protect for a salt water pool as a pretreatment to remove and loosen the scale before using the 300 Tile Cleaner. For maintenance cleaning use Quick ‘n Thick Tile Cleaner. Follow the steps below to eliminate the calcium/scale and make your pool tile look like new:

  • Purchase Protect-All Supreme or Salt Protect for a salt water pool.
    1. Raise your water line up and over the calcium or scale deposits.
    2. Pour in one quart per 20,000 gallons of water around the perimeter of the pool.
    3. Turn on your pump and let it run for 48 hours. Keep the water line above the scale line. This product will help to loosen the scale for easier cleaning.
  • Wait for three to four days after step one.
    1. Lower the water line to just below the calcium/scale and clean the tile with the 300 Tile Cleaner in small sections at a time.
    2. Apply the product and let it dwell for a couple of minutes. Next, scrub with a Scotch Brite pad and rinse well before moving to the next section.
  • Now, it’s time to protect your tile for the future.
    1. Keep a maintenance dose of the Protect-All Supreme in your water (12 ounces per month or three to four ounces per week, per 20,000 gallons). It will prevent future scale buildup. 
  • Use Quick ‘n Thick Tile Cleaner for maintenance cleaning.
    1. Wear rubber gloves when using the product. Apply Quick’n Thick to a brush, sponge or directly to the area. Scrub the area well until it is clean. Rinse the area thoroughly.

You should use swimming pool chemicals that are specifically created to clarify water. Bio-Dex Clearex 500 and are effective water clarifiers that can turn your pool water bright and sparkling.

To fight the most persistent causes of cloudy water, address the oil level in the pool. 


Bio-Dex Enzyme Oil Out can eliminate body oil, suntan oil and other oils that cause long-term cloudiness problems. It’s a good idea to use these treatments after you have had a lot of bathers in the pool or for routine preventative maintenance. Normal dosage is 1 oz per 20,000 gallons but can be increased as needed for severe issues.


Use one bottle of Clearex 500 per 24,000 gallons of pool water. Use two ounces per 14,000 gallons of water. The product can be used as frequently as needed because the product has no adverse effects.

Anti-foaming products like Bio-Dex Foam Stop can reduce or remove foam from water. However, they don’t eliminate the source of the foam, which is generally caused by soaps and body oil. You shouldn’t over-use anti-foaming swimming pool chemicals. Instead, use a product like Oil-Out to solve the problem at its source.

Stubborn streaks are often caused by hydration discoloration in the water. If you’ve used swimming pool chemicals to treat the streaks, with no results, this is likely the problem. Hydration is a solvable problem, but you can’t treat it with swimming pool chemicals. It is caused by a moisture issue in the plaster. It’s not a plaster defect but the discoloration is caused by the plaster curing at different rates. You should ask the plaster manufacturer for recommendations on how to treat this problem.


Hydration issues can also be caused by other factors. These may include issues when the pool was originally filled like the thickness or moisture control of the gunite or plaster, the pool and/or ambient air temperature at the time or the relative humidity of the pool. Another common hydration problem involves hydration rings at the bottom of the pool. These occur when the hose gets shut off and started again. Icicle-shaped streaks are caused by rain storms which send water over the deck and into the pool and along the walls before the pool was completely filled. If the day was hot, dry or the plaster was setting quickly, these stains would be more likely.